From: Dubatolov, V.V. (1996 [1997 May]). A new species of Hemerobius L. (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae) from the North-East Altais. Russian Entomological Journal, vol. 5, No 1-4, p. 89-90.

A new species of Hemerobius L. (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae) from the North-East Altai.


Zoological Museum, Institute for Systematics and Ecology of Animals (formally Biological Institute), Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Frunze street 11, Novosibirsk, 630091, Russia.
E-mail: [email protected]

KEY WORDS: Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae, Hemerobius, new species, Altai.

ABSTRACT: As a result of the determination of Neuropteroidea collection in Zoological Museum of Institute for Systematics and Ecology of Animals (Novosibirsk), a new Hemerobius species from the North-East Altai was found. This species differs from the similar one, H. poppii, by a contrasted light stripe on the head top and thorax and by the male ectoproct structure.

During 1994-1995 the Neuropteroidea collection in the Zoological Museum of the Institute for Systematics and Ecology of Animals (Novosibirsk) was determined and arranged. It includes now 3 orders (Neuroptera, Rhaphidioptera and Megaloptera), 13 families, approximately 140 species and more than 1.5 thousands of specimens. As a result of this work, a new species of the genus Hemerobius Linnaeus, 1758 was found. This species belongs to the subgenus Monorobius Makarkin, 1985 and is described below.

Hemerobius (Monorobius) barkalovi Dubatolov, sp. n.

MATERIAL. Holotype - a male, Altai Republic, Altai Nature Reserve, the 1-st wood house along the path to the Kolyushtu Mountain, by the Malaise trap, 15 VII 1987 (Barkalov). Paratypes: 2 males, the same label as the holotype; 1 female, Altai Nature Reserve, Kolyushtu Mt., on Pinus sibirica, 8 VII 1967 (Ermolenko).
DESCRIPTION. Face evenly light brown, vertex dark brown with a contrasted yellow dorsal medial stripe. Palpi and antennae pale, brownish. Thorax brown with a contrasted yellow dorsal stripe. Legs pale, brownish, semitransparent, with tarsal joints darker. Fore wing membrane pale-brownish with slight wavy darkening and chequered margin. Costal area gradually tapering to the apex. rv well developed. Longitudinal veins with alternating dark and light parts. The crossweins between M2 - CuA and CuA - CuP are arranged at an acute angle to each other at the beginning of the CuA first branch and are strongly darkened forming a dark cross. Fore wing length: 8.3-9.4 mm in males, 9.2 mm in female.
MALE GENITALIA: ectoproct (fig. 1a), gonarcus (fig. 1c).
COMPARISON. The new species is very similar to H. poppii Esben-Petersen, 1921 [Makarkin, 1985, 1995] by external characters and size, but differs mainly by a contrasted light stripe along the vertex and thorax, which is pale and not well visible in H. poppii. The ectoproct structure (fig. 1 a, b) differs much better. In all the three males the cataprocessus is more elongate, so the distance between the thorn-like anaprocessus base and the cataprocessus apex is two times longer than the anaprocessus length. The cataprocessus top is slightly concave in the new species and convex in H. poppii. The gonarcus (fig. 1b) is similar to those of H. poppii.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. I wish express my thanks to Dr.O.Kosterin for correction of the language.


Makarkin V.N. 1985. A review of Hemerobiidae (Neuroptera) of the fauna of the USSR. I. The genera Hemerobius L., Micromus Ramb. and Paramicromus Nakh. // Entomol. Obozr. T.64. No.1. P.158-170. [in Russian].
Makarkin V.N. 1995. 25. Order Neuroptera // A guide to insects of the Russian Far East. Vol. IV. Neuropteroidea, Mecoptera, Hymenoptera. Part 1. St-Peterburg, Nauka Publ. P. 37-68. [in Russian].

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